estimating statistics using random samples.
let's consider the idea of p-value:
given a test statistics from the observed data and a null hypothesis (a generation process), what are the chances of osberving a value greater than the one obtained on the data if the data was generated from the null hypothesis?
the simplest example is the one-sample t-test: is the observed mean of a sample compatible with 0?
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import scipy.stats as st
import seaborn as sns
data_1 = np.array([1.35, 1.01, 0.25, 0.39, -1.57])
st.ttest_1samp(data_1, 0)
Ttest_1sampResult(statistic=0.5656372970687832, pvalue=0.6018616929196308)
in this case the statistic is defined as the mean divided the standard deviation of the mean:
$$t = \frac{Z}{s} = \frac{\bar{X} – \mu}{\frac{\hat{\sigma}}{\sqrt{n}}}$$mean_1 = np.mean(data_1)
std_1 = np.std(data_1, ddof=1)
print(mean_1, std_1, mean_1/(std_1/np.sqrt(len(data_1))))
0.2860000000000001 1.130610454577526 0.5656372970687832
def t_stat(data):
return np.mean(data)/st.sem(data)
n_data = len(data_1)
data_fake_1 = plt.randn(n_data)
distribution = [t_stat(plt.randn(n_data)) for i in range(100_000)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(distribution, bins=50, alpha=0.5, color='teal')
ax.axvline(t_stat(data_1), color='coral')
ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
(-5.0, 5.0)
greater = np.abs(np.array(distribution))>abs(t_stat(data_1))
p_value = sum(greater)/len(greater)
st.ttest_1samp(data_1, 0)
Ttest_1sampResult(statistic=0.5656372970687832, pvalue=0.6018616929196308)
this can be applied in a more general sense: given any statistical generative procedure, what is the chance of observing values more extreme than the given ones?
for example, in this case we should have included the truncation procedure in out data! (we only have two decimal digits).
def gen_fake(n):
fake_data = plt.randn(n)
return fake_data.round(2)
array([-0.33, 0.52, -0.65, -1.32, -0.38])
distribution = [t_stat(gen_fake(n_data)) for i in range(100_000)]
greater = np.abs(np.array(distribution))>abs(t_stat(data_1))
p_value = sum(greater)/len(greater)
of course, we could also perform several generation to have an estimate of our uncertainty in the p-value
for i in range(8):
distribution = [t_stat(gen_fake(n_data)) for i in range(1_000)]
greater = np.abs(np.array(distribution))>abs(t_stat(data_1))
p_value = sum(greater)/len(greater)
0.591 0.605 0.614 0.604 0.599 0.609 0.631 0.609
a similar procedure can the used to perform bayesian inference, in particular for simple models:
This class of methods allow us to answer more complex questions naturally!
NOTE: as far as I know, there is no particular advantage is using low discrepancy sequences here, the randomness compound too much
we observe a biased coin with 7 heads and 3 tails.
what is the probability of the coin coming out with tail the next toss?
from formal analysis, we can derive the distribution as ${Beta}(7+\alpha, 3+\beta)$
where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the prior parameters (already known information)
def plot_beta(dist, ax=None, base=np.linspace(0, 1, 10_000), **kwargs):
if ax is None:
pdf = dist.pdf(base)
kwargs.setdefault("alpha", 0.5)
ax.fill_between(base, pdf, 0, **kwargs)
α, β = 1, 1
prior = st.beta(α, β)
α, β = 1, 1
true_posterior = st.beta(7+α, 3+β)
N_samples = 10
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
[0.52232255 0.49999941 0.5272587 0.46421572 0.57900808 0.45226229 0.55805831 0.47652842 0.48880595 0.53794006]
st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior)
array([6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 7, 3])
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior)
observed = 7
coherent = (fake_observations==7)
selected_prior = sampled_prior[coherent]
observed = 7
N_samples = 100
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior)
coherent = (fake_observations==7)
selected_prior = sampled_prior[coherent]
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
observed = 7
N_samples = 100_000
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior)
coherent = (fake_observations==observed)
selected_prior = sampled_prior[coherent]
n_accepted = len(selected_prior)
s = "accepted samples: {}\nacceptance fraction: {}%\n-----"
print(s.format(n_accepted, 100*n_accepted/N_samples))
accepted samples: 12234 acceptance fraction: 12.234% ----- CPU times: user 55.5 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 55.5 ms Wall time: 56.1 ms
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
with this approach I can model how the belief on the possible values of the parameters could affect my final result
def fit_probability(successes=7, failures=3, α=1, β=1, N_samples=100_000):
prior = st.beta(α, β)
true_posterior = st.beta(successes+α, failures+β)
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
n_observations = successes+failures
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=n_observations, p=sampled_prior)
coherent = (fake_observations==successes)
selected_prior = sampled_prior[coherent]
return prior, true_posterior, selected_prior
result = fit_probability(successes=7, failures=3, α=0.5, β=0.5, N_samples=100_000)
prior, true_posterior, selected_prior = result
n_accepted = len(selected_prior)
s = "accepted samples: {}\nacceptance fraction: {}%\n-----"
print(s.format(n_accepted, 100*n_accepted/N_samples))
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
plot_beta(prior, color='violet')
plot_beta(st.beta(1+7, 1+3), color='orange', alpha=0.25)
accepted samples: 6661 acceptance fraction: 6.661% -----
result = fit_probability(successes=7, failures=3, α=1, β=1, N_samples=100_000)
prior, true_posterior, selected_prior = result
n_accepted = len(selected_prior)
s = "accepted samples: {}\nacceptance fraction: {}%\n-----"
print(s.format(n_accepted, 100*n_accepted/N_samples))
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
plot_beta(prior, color='violet')
plot_beta(st.beta(1+7, 1+3), color='orange', alpha=0.25)
accepted samples: 9084 acceptance fraction: 9.084% -----
result = fit_probability(successes=7, failures=3, α=5, β=5, N_samples=100_000)
prior, true_posterior, selected_prior = result
n_accepted = len(selected_prior)
s = "accepted samples: {}\nacceptance fraction: {}%\n-----"
print(s.format(n_accepted, 100*n_accepted/N_samples))
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
plot_beta(prior, color='violet')
plot_beta(st.beta(1+7, 1+3), color='orange', alpha=0.25)
accepted samples: 12391 acceptance fraction: 12.391% -----
result = fit_probability(successes=7, failures=3, α=50, β=50, N_samples=100_000)
prior, true_posterior, selected_prior = result
n_accepted = len(selected_prior)
s = "accepted samples: {}\nacceptance fraction: {}%\n-----"
print(s.format(n_accepted, 100*n_accepted/N_samples))
plt.hist(selected_prior, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5, color="coral");
plot_beta(true_posterior, color='teal')
plot_beta(prior, color='violet')
plot_beta(st.beta(1+7, 1+3), color='orange', alpha=0.25)
accepted samples: 11882 acceptance fraction: 11.882% -----
we could try to decide if the coin is biased or not, rather than estimating a probability
to do this, we need hyperparameters describing the set of models
α_of_bias, β_of_bias = 1, 1
belief_coin_biased = 0.1
n_observations = 10
successes = 10
N_samples = 100_000
coin_is_biased_prior = st.binom(n=1, p=belief_coin_biased)
coin_is_biased_prior_samples = coin_is_biased_prior.rvs(N_samples).astype(bool)
p_coin_if_biased_prior = st.beta(α_of_bias, β_of_bias)
p_coin_if_biased_prior_samples = p_coin_if_biased_prior.rvs(N_samples)
p_coin_effective = np.where(coin_is_biased_prior_samples, p_coin_if_biased_prior_samples, 0.5)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=n_observations, p=p_coin_effective)
coherent = (fake_observations==successes)
p_coin_posterior = p_coin_effective[coherent]
p_coin_posterior_if_biased = p_coin_effective[coherent&coin_is_biased_prior_samples]
p_coin_is_biased_posterior = (coin_is_biased_prior_samples&coherent).sum()/coherent.sum()
971 890 0.9165808444902163
plt.hist(p_coin_posterior_if_biased, bins=50);
observed = np.array([7, 8, 9])
n_trials = len(observed)
N_samples = 6
prior = st.beta(1, 1)
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior, size=(n_trials, N_samples))
array([[10, 4, 4, 2, 4, 0], [10, 8, 6, 1, 7, 2], [10, 8, 7, 2, 5, 1]])
fake_observations==observed.reshape(-1, 1)
array([[False, False, False, False, False, False], [False, True, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False, False]])
(fake_observations==observed.reshape(-1, 1)).all(axis=0)
array([False, False, False, False, False, False])
observed = np.array([7, 8, 9])
n_trials = len(observed)
N_samples = 1_000_000
prior = st.beta(1, 1)
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior, size=(n_trials, N_samples))
(fake_observations==observed.reshape(-1, 1)).all(axis=0).sum()
very low acceptance stops us from finding results
but we're being too bad with ourselves: we don't care about the ordering of the data, as it is completely arbitrary!
we might test the sorted data!
observed = np.array([7, 8, 9])
n_trials = len(observed)
N_samples = 6
prior = st.beta(1, 1)
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior, size=(n_trials, N_samples))
array([[10, 4, 4, 2, 4, 0], [10, 8, 6, 1, 7, 2], [10, 8, 7, 2, 5, 1]])
np.sort(fake_observations, axis=0)
array([[10, 4, 4, 1, 4, 0], [10, 8, 6, 2, 5, 1], [10, 8, 7, 2, 7, 2]])
observed = np.array([7, 8, 9]).reshape(-1, 1)
n_trials = len(observed)
N_samples = 1_000_000
prior = st.beta(1, 1)
sampled_prior = prior.rvs(N_samples)
fake_observations = st.binom.rvs(n=10, p=sampled_prior, size=(n_trials, N_samples))
fake_observations = np.sort(fake_observations, axis=0)
observed = np.sort(observed, axis=0)
we captured 6 times more cases!
this approach is extremely useful when there is some invariant in my data (for example permutations)
a common problem of this approach is that increasing the number of data and the dimensionality (in particular if the prior is strongly different from the posterior), the number of sampling required is incredibly high.
on the upside, we can easily parallelize the computation, but it is often not enough.
in the extreme case of real valued parameters, the probability of exact sampling is exactly zero!
NOTE: for continuous values it is still formally possible to perform perfect sampling on real data, considering that the measurement procedure involves always a rounding/truncation procedure...
formally the probabily is not 0 anymore, but it's still incredibly low unless the rounding is very strong
to increase the sampling rate, with a (non trivial) reduction in the quality of the fit, one possibility is to use
the idea is that we accept any data that is close enough, where "close" is defined over a set of measurements instead of the whole dataset.
examples could be: mean, standard deviation, rate, etc...
IMPORTANT: the result depends also on the chosen threshold!
if we are working in the exponential distribution family and use the natural parametrization, the result should be unbiased
One of the bis advantages of this approach is that one doesn't need to be able to define a likelihood function: if the data can be simulated in any way from the priors, we don't need anything else.
likelihood based models are exremely more efficient computation wise, but often are suffer from a "specification problem": I can only model what I can represent with composition of simple distributions
one simple example can be shown with ODE. They are not random, but it can still be used to perform a fit!
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.integrate import odeint
# derivative
def logistic(state, time, α, β):
N = state
δN = α*N*(1-N/β)
return δN
def logistic_predict(N0, α, β, time):
res = odeint(logistic, y0=N0, t=time, args=(α, β))
return res.ravel()
time = np.linspace(0, 5, 2**3)
N0, α, β = 1, 1, 10
original = logistic_predict(N0, α, β, time)
array([1. , 1.84983933, 3.16770552, 4.86411522, 6.59242029, 7.98058516, 8.89779416, 9.42825654])
we could use as a distance the sum of the square of the differences
N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat = 1.1, 1.1,9.9
sampled = logistic_predict(N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat, time)
array([1.1 , 2.13070378, 3.7190289 , 5.63292789, 7.35909333, 8.55384672, 9.23739986, 9.58657484])
def dist(samp1, samp2):
return np.sqrt(np.sum((samp1-samp2)**2))
dist(original, sampled)
let's try a threshold of one, with some simple priors
def plot_dist(dist, ax=None, base=np.linspace(0, 20, 10_000), **kwargs):
if ax is None:
pdf = dist.pdf(base)
kwargs.setdefault("alpha", 0.5)
ax.fill_between(base, pdf, 0, **kwargs)
N0_prior = st.gamma(1, scale=1, loc=0)
α_prior = st.gamma(1, scale=1, loc=0)
β_prior = st.gamma(1, scale=10, loc=0)
N0_hat = N0_prior.rvs(1)
α_hat = α_prior.rvs(1)
β_hat = β_prior.rvs(1)
print(N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat)
sampled = logistic_predict(N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat, time)
d = dist(original, sampled)
[2.33472184] [1.02405695] [8.98527664] [2.33472184 3.79010012 5.41414216 6.8204747 7.79476544 8.37011585 8.67835905 8.83492298] 4.051848820347763
accepted = []
for i in range(100_000):
N0_hat = N0_prior.rvs(1)
α_hat = α_prior.rvs(1)
β_hat = β_prior.rvs(1)
sampled = logistic_predict(N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat, time)
d = dist(original, sampled)
if d<1:
accepted.append([N0_hat, α_hat, β_hat])
accepted = np.array(accepted)
CPU times: user 3min 37s, sys: 1.94 s, total: 3min 39s Wall time: 3min 35s
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
axes[0].hist(accepted[:, 0], density=True)
axes[1].hist(accepted[:, 1], density=True)
axes[2].hist(accepted[:, 2], density=True)
plot_dist(α_prior, ax=axes[1])
plot_dist(β_prior, ax=axes[2])
plot_dist(N0_prior, ax=axes[0])
axes[0].set_title("$N_0$ posterior")
axes[1].set_title("α posterior")
axes[2].set_title("β posterior")